The KingstOOn Animation Conference and Film Festival, taking place virtually April 21-25, has pinpointed “Diversity in Animation” as the central theme for this year’s...
Turner Africa has announced its official sponsorship of the African Animation Village at DISCOP in Johannesburg, South Africa for the second year in a...
The African Animation Network, piloted as The Animation Lounge at DISCOP Johannesburg 2016, is teaming up with Sub-Saharan African mobile video solutions company SSTREAMM...
DISCOP Abidjan and DISCOP Johannesburg stand as the premiere content markets in Francophone and Anglophone Africa, respectively, generating an estimated $1 billion worth of...
The 2016 edition of DISCOP Africa has wrapped in Johannesburg, attracting more than 1,250 international and regional media professionals eager to take advantage of...
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