Academy Award-nominated animation studio Tonko House (The Dam Keeper) has joined forces with Japanese anime writer powerhouse and award-winning filmmaker Mari Okada (Maquia: When...
Aniplex of America, in partnership with Funimation Films proudly, will present anime feature Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl in select theaters...
ELEVEN ARTS Anime Studio will be offering the visually enchanting fantasy feature Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms to home viewers as a Deluxe...
Eleven Arts Anime Studio has secured North American distribution rights to Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms -- the directorial debut for accomplished screenwriter...
The 36th Brussels International Animation Film Festival, or Anima 2017, wrapped up Sunday having welcomed a record-setting number of attendees, far exceeding last year's...
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