French director Michel Hazanavicius, helmer of the multi-Oscar-winning The Artist and of this year's animated feature Cannes and Annecy selection The Most Precious of...
Animation Magazine has unveiled its list of this year’s distinguished Animation Hall of Fame Game-Changers award recipients. The honorees will receive their awards at...
GKIDS has revealed the full-length trailer for Denis Do’s poetic, personal animated feature film debut Funan, which will receive a limited release in select...
The award-winning French animated feature Funan will arrive in select U.S. theaters this summer through GKIDS, which is planning New York City and Los...
GKIDS has snagged U.S. distribution rights for international festival-favorite feature Funan, the inspiring and deeply emotional debut from filmmaker Denis Do and based on...
Organizers of the Academy Award-qualifying Bucheon International Animation Festival in South Korea have announced that the official poster and trailer for the 21st edition...
French animation outfit ON Animation is working on two new high-profile movies, it was announced in Cannes today. Aton Soumache and Dimitri Rassam, who...
With just a week to go until FMX takes place in Stuttgart (May 2-5), organizers continue to confirm must-see additions across the schedule, including...
Thomas Langmann, producer of Best Picture Oscar winner The Artist, is set to help develop the action animated feature Mummyland, Variety reports.
The English-language film...
The annual animation and vfx show Paris FX will highlight the French and British post-production artists behind Skyfall, Cloud Atlas and Asterix & Obelix:...
Ignacio Ferreras’ acclaimed movie Arrugas (Wrinkles) received the Best Animated Feature and Best Adapted Screenplay honors at the 26th Spanish Academy Goya Awards this...
Continuing its winning streak after taking the Golden Globe Award a week ago, Steven Spielberg’s The Adventures of Tintin took home the Producers Guild...
How Hurricane Katrina and a veteran children’s book advocate in New York City inspired an award-winning animated short and popular iPad app.
Many months before...
The long list of nominees for this year’s Orange British Academy Film Awards were revealed yesterday. The BAFTA Animated Feature category includes The Adventures...
The Producers Guild of America (PGA) has announced the five titles nominated in the Best Animated Feature Award category. In what many awards watchers...
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