Animation legend Hayao Miyazaki kicked off 2025 by sharing a special illustrated message to Studio Ghibli fans, celebrating the Year of the Snake. The...
Tuesday morning's New York Film Critics Circle Awards announcements kicked off with the reveal that Gints Zilbalodis' Flow won the Best Animated Feature honor. The European...
Yoshimi Itazu’s The Concierge (2023) blends seemingly incompatible elements into a gentle, touching story. It’s a light comedy about a young woman growing into...
The Cannes Official Selection documentary Hayao Miyazaki and the Heron has quietly nested into its U.S. streaming debut, available to watch now on Max. The full...
GKIDS announced today it has acquired theatrical and home video rights for North America to the Japanese critical and box office sensation Look Back....
Studio Ghibli’s Oscar- and Golden Globe-winning animated feature The Boy and the Heron will make its U.S. streaming debut Friday, September 6, exclusively on Max....
Capping off the big toon gathering in Annecy, organizers of the Animation Is Film (AIF) festival announced dates unveiled whimsical poster art for the...
Fresh off a historic Academy Award win for Best Animated Feature, the latest and long awaited cinematic masterpiece from the legendary Hayao Miyazaki and...
In celebration of the Academy Award win for Best Animated Feature for Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli’s latest feature, The Boy and the Heron, GKIDS,...
Following his second Academy Award win for Best Animated feature for The Boy and the Heron, filmmaker and Studio Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki is reportedly feeling...
Hayao Miyazaki’s The Boy and the Heron and Yorgos Langthimos’ Poor Things were two of the top winners at last night’s 2024 BAFTA Film Awards, hosted by...
The animation community showered Sony Picture Animation’s Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Pablo Berger’s Robot Dreams and Netflix’s Blue Eye Samurai with a lot of...
With several months of award-season hype and daily prognostication from experts, the actual arrival of the Annie Awards evening comes as a welcome event....
With the 96th Academy Awards around the corner, VIEW Conference ( in partnership with The VFX Festival ( is has announced exclusive virtual panels featuring...
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