Ahead of the nationwide release of The Colors Within, GKIDS is bringing director Naoko Yamada's previous acclaimed animated feature A Silent Voice back to theaters...
GKIDS has announced the English-language voice cast for director Naoko Yamada and studio Science SARU’s upcoming feature The Colors Within, and launched a new...
The nuns at the Catholic girls’ school in Nagasaki, Japan that Totsuko Higurashi attends in Naoko Yamada’s feature The Colors Within might well sing,...
Academy Award-winning animation producer/distributor GKIDS, announced today it will bring The Colors Within to theaters nationwide on January 24. Prior to the nationwide expansion, the film...
GKIDS announced today that it has acquired theatrical, videogram and digital transactional rights to the new anime series Dan Da Dan. The acquisition serves...
Japanese film production and distribution company Toho announced on May 23 that it will acquire animation production company Science SARU as a subsidiary. In June, Toho...
Organizers of the 2024 Annecy International Animated Film Festival presented their customary Paris press conference today, during which Artistic Director Marcel Jean some of...
GKIDS (U.S.) and Anime Ltd. (U.K.) have announced a multi-territory acquisition of The Colors Within (Kiminoiro), the new film from award-winning director Naoko Yamada...
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