Yoshimi Itazu’s The Concierge (2023) blends seemingly incompatible elements into a gentle, touching story. It’s a light comedy about a young woman growing into...
Crunchyroll announced today the North American theatrical dates for two anime feature films: the fantastical anthropomorphic charmer The Concierge, and Trapezium, a realistic take...
Winners of the 38th Goya Awards (Premios Goya, premiosgoya.com) were announced this weekend, marking the highlight of the Spanish cinema awards calendar. While the night's...
The 2023 Bucheon International Animation Festival has come to a close, marking the event's 25th year of celebrating the best in international animated features, shorts...
Global anime destination Crunchyroll announced today that it has acquired the North American rights for the new animated feature film The Concierge. The film...
Organizers of the 2023 Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) have announced an unprecedented variety of special programs and screenings for its upcoming 36th edition,...
A baker's dozen of animated feature films from around the world have been tapped to compete at the 25th Bucheon International Animation Festival in South...
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