Home entertainment streaming outlet Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have announced they will create the first ever Netflix Original Series for young audiences by adapting...
DreamWorks Animation and distribution partner 20th Century Fox have unleashed two new posters for the upcoming 3-D CG caveman comedy, The Croods. In addition...
The release date for DreamWorks Animation’s much-anticipated CG-animated feature Mr. Peabody & Sherman has changed from Nov. this year to March 7, 2014. The...
FMX, Stuttgart's renowned conference on animation, vfx, games and transmedia is putting the finishing polish on its programming for the 2013 edition, taking place...
DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming feature The Croods will be making its debut at the 2013 Berlin International Film Festival. The 3-D, prehistoric family adventure is...
D3Publisher has announced it will be bringing DreamWorks Animation’s new CG caveperson family to the videogame world with The Croods: Prehistoric Party! for Nintento’s...
Move over, The Flintstones! There’s a new animated stone age family in town. DreamWorks Animation released the new trailer for its upcoming feature The...
Fox and DreamWorks Animation have set release dates for twelve features the studio will distribute in its new deal with the toon powerhouse.
According to...
DreamWorks Animation has announced release dates through 2014 for nine feature films, with three sequels and six original features. The studio will release three...
With three movies released and strong financials, 2010 was a good year for DreamWorks Animation.
The company reported its fourth-quarter and year-end results. For the...
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