Last Sunday, December 8, the Los Angeles Animation Festival (LAAF) presented its Awards Night celebration to a packed hall at the Eastwood Performing Arts...
Netflix Kids & Family is offering many opportunities for cozy home viewing this holiday season, including a trio of exciting new animated feature titles...
This week, Netflix unveiled several highly anticipated animation exclusives from its upcoming lineup out of Geeked Week. In addition to our previous coverage, highlights...
Having just premiered Season 6 of its Emmy Award-winning animated fantasy-adventure The Dragon Prince on Netflix, Wonderstorm is expanding the franchise's transmedia footprint with The...
Animation veteran Delna Bhesania has joined Montreal-based Rezolution Pictures as head of its newly launched animation division. The news was announced today by Rezolution...
In celebration of all things comics, sci-fi, horror, cartoons and general genre entertainment geekery, WonderCon returns to the Anaheim Convention Center in Southern California from...
Following the debut DROP 01 livestream showcase, Netflix's big genre entertainment celebration Geeked Week will return for a third year. From November 6-12, fans...
After a series of tantalizing sneak-peek clips, the official trailer for Season 5 of the critically acclaimed animated fantasy adventure The Dragon Prince has...
Netflix has unveiled the first official clip from the fifth season of Wonderstorm's hit fantasy-adventure, The Dragon Prince, due to make its streaming debut in...
This morning, Netflix unveiled its 2023 Kids & Family slate, providing new photos and release date confirmations for a number of exciting toon titles across...
The highly anticipated Season 4 return of the Emmy-winning Netflix original The Dragon Prince is just around the corner, and fans were today treated...
The Dragon Prince returned to San Diego Comic-Con Thursday with a panel previewing the upcoming Season 4 (a.k.a. Book Four; Earth), the first season...
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