A phobia-ridden young boy must face the primal power of darkness in the absorbing new DreamWorks Animation's fantasy-adventure Orion and the Dark. This entertaining...
Fans of DreamWorks Animation's hilarious prehistoric family were thrilled to see the arrival of the new series The Croods: Family Tree on Peacock and...
DreamWorks Animation has optioned the rights to Dog Man, the #1 global bestselling series by author and illustrator Dav Pilkey (Captain Underpants), and is...
Amazon Studios is developing Oaklandia, a new animated comedy to voice star Snoop Dogg, who is also executive producing with his manager and business...
Rooster Teeth and Outlier Society have increased representation and inclusion behind the camera with the upcoming second season of animated series gen:LOCK for HBO...
Disney+ Struggles with Technical Issues in First Few Hours After Launch
The highly anticipated new service launched at midnight PT Tuesday in the U.S., Canada...
The neighborhood gang is coming together for 13 all-new episodes of DreamWorks Animation’s Harvey Girls Forever when Season 3 debut November 12, exclusively on...
Production has begun on Disney Junior's The Chicken Squad, a new animated series for preschoolers and their families slated to debut in 2020. Inspired...
***This article originally appeared in the November ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 294)***
Having grown up in Texas and been heavily influenced by the...
VIZ Media, Netflix and Powerhouse Animation Studios announced that the anime-style series Seis Manos will launch globally on Netflix on Thursday, October 3. All...
Animation Magazine had a chance to talk with composers Jay Vincent and Ryan Lofty, who are the music masterminds behind DreamWorks TV’s DreamWorks Animation...
Good news, pranksters and toon fans: the second season of DreamWorks Animation Television’s The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants is set to premiere in...
Universal Filmed Entertainment Group announced that Margie Cohn has been named President, DreamWorks Animation, effective immediately. Cohn, who previously served as President of DreamWorks...
DreamWorks Animation Television and streaming giant Netflix are growing their partnership with three new kids’ series set to debut in 2019 and 2020, including...
MIPJunior has announced that Margie Cohn, President of DreamWorks Animation Television, will keynote this year’s edition of the world-leading kids’ entertainment industry event. The...
An exciting world of pranks, supervillains and the world’s greatest pants-less superhero is about to unfold in the Netflix original series, DreamWorks The Epic...
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