20th Television Animation has promoted Chris Cikowski to Vice President, Animation, Deadline reports. The new veep's assignments include current Fox series Duncanville and The...
Pixar veterans Mark Andrews (director of the Oscar-winning feature Brave; head of story for The Incredibles and Ratatouille) and Andrew Gordon (animation lead for...
Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) and Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) have set an exclusive, multiyear cross-studio overall deal with Emmy Award-winning producer, writer and performer...
As evidenced by recent viewing trends, Hulu viewers love adult animation. During the past year, over half of Hulu subscribers have watched content from...
***An abridged version of this interview originally appeared in the June-July '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 311)***
Just in time for the 2021 Emmy...
Charlie Collier, CEO, FOX Entertainment, unveiled the FOX primetime slate for the 2021-2022 television season to the national advertising community during its virtual Upfront...
Disney Television Studios has announced a new production unit dedicated to adult-targeted toons, dubbed 20th Television Animation. Longtime 20th/Fox TV executive Marci Proietto is...
This summer, FOX's growing animation lineup extends to Mondays with the series premiere of all-new pet paws-itive comedy Housebroken on May 31 (9:00-9:30 p.m....
***This article originally appeared in the March '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 308)***
The Loren Bouchard TV animation empire continues to expand this month...
All-new animated comedy The Great North debuts Sunday, February 14 at 8:30-9:00 p.m. ET/PT on FOX, as part of Sunday’s Animation Domination lineup. The...
Fox TV is adopting a new addition to its Animation Domination lineup, giving a series order to Housebroken (formerly titled Therapy Dog), which already...
Fox Entertainment has acquired Emmy Award-winning production company Bento Box Entertainment, the animation studio behind the channel’s hit series Bob’s Burgers and upcoming animated...
On Monday, Charlie Collier, CEO, FOX Entertainment, unveiled the FOX primetime slate for the 2019-2020 television season to the national advertising community during its...
Lizzie and Wendy Molyneux, Emmy Award-winning executive producers and writers for hit toon Bob’s Burgers, have scored a three-year overall deal with the show’s...
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