The BBC and Magic Light Pictures will present a new animated special this Christmas called Tiddler. Based on the popular book by Julia Donaldson and Axel...
Connoisseurs of quality, meticulously crafted animation are familiar with the wonderful, award-wining specials produced by U.K.-based Magic Light Pictures. Beginning with The Gruffalo in...
Magic Light Pictures, the multi-Oscar-nominated production company, has been providing festive family treats to BBC audiences for more than a decade. This year, the...
Multiple Oscar-nominated Magic Light Pictures (The Gruffalo, Room on the Broom, Revolting Rhymes, Chico & Rita) has announced the release of its latest acclaimed...
The 30th Cartoon Forum will be held in Toulouse, France from September 16-19. The European animation co-production event will provide a platform for 85...
U.K.’s Oscar-nominated animation outfit Magic Light Pictures has announced pre-sales for its new half-hour animated special The Snail and the Whale to major broadcasters across Europe...
Oscar-nominated Magic Light Pictures is bringing another magical tale from top UK picture book duo Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler to screens, with The...
Magic Light Pictures -- the Oscar nominated and BAFTA award-winning production company behind The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s Child and Stick Man -- has announced...
Magic Light Pictures has signed and renewed a number of international agreements for its award-winning, 30-minute animated specials Room on the Broom, The Gruffalo,...
Educational kids' entertainment app Hopster continues its successful summer with a few new developments at the London-based company. Hopster launched on Apple TV in...
Magic Light Pictures' multiple award-winning Room on the Broom has won the animation category of the 2014 International Emmy Kids Awards.
Room on the Broom...
The team behind the two Gruffalo specials delivers another family gem, the charming CG-animated special Room on the Broom.
They say it's pointless to argue...
Preschool television channel Sprout will offer the U.S. premiere of The Gruffalo’s Child on December 22nd. Based on the classic children’s picture book written...
The winners of the 36th edition of the Annecy International Animation Festival were announced this weekend (June 9). French short Tram by Michaela Pavlátová took...
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