DreamWorks Animation's feature film Penguins of Madagascar finished the weekend in second place behind a strong repeat performance from the most-recent entry in The...
Donald Sutherland's production company, Martin's River Ink, has begun production of a new, animated movie called Pirate's Passage. Ottawa's PIP Animation Service is delivering...
Comic-Con’s Saturday (July 20th) session schedule just got a lot more interesting thanks to the folks at Lionsgate. The studio is offering panels on...
This week, the top licensed properties and products of the past year were honored with the International Licensing Excellence Awards at the Licensing Expo...
Relativity and Reel FX announced today that Hispanic radio personality Eddie 'Piolin' Sotelo (Ice Age: Continental Drift), drummer for the world-renowned rock band Tool...
Nickelodeon has revealed the nominees for the 2013 Kids' Choice Awards, taking place March 23, airing live on the channel (and online at nick.com/KCA13)...
Sony Animation has announced the release date for two eagerly anticipated projects. First up, Genndy Tartakovksy will be helming a new 3-D, CG-animated version...
Relativity Media and Dallas and Santa Monica-based Reel FX have announced they will jointly produce and finance the upcoming animated comedy Turkeys, slated for...
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