Emmy Award-winning French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo and independent Belgian film production company Vivi Film announced from Annecy a partnership to co-produce...
Following a successful MIPCOM, Cyber Group Studios, the multi-award-winning company that produces and distributes animated series for kids and families, has secured a raft...
The 30th Cartoon Forum will be held in Toulouse, France from September 16-19. The European animation co-production event will provide a platform for 85...
Boutique French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo has been commissioned to develop and produce a new serialized children's animation series, The Upside Down...
Taking place June 13-18, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (accompanied by the MIFA market, June 15-17) will once again offer the very best...
Another Annecy festival has wrapped, with plenty of deals and news coming out of the ever-growing event.
Among the highlights of the festival:
Attendance at MIFA...
Paris-based Cyber Group Studios is enjoying a healthy start to the year, securing new sales for its series across the globe. Additionally, the company...
Paris-based animation producer and distributor Cyber Group Studios reports robust sales of its series — including Zou, Mini Ninjas, The Long Long Holiday and Balloopo...
Paris-based Cyber Group Studios has inked a deal with Les Armateurs for worldwide representation of the studio's newest television series, The Long Long Holiday...
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