In a mega animation brand crossover, the upcoming Disney-Pixar original feature Onward will be preceded in theaters not by a homegrown studio short, but...
The longest-running primetime scripted show in TV history, The Simpsons, makes its first appearance at D23 Expo following the Disney-Fox acquisition.Creator Matt Groening, executive...
With Kidscreen Summit kicking the spring market season into serious gear next week and first quarter check-ins from major networks, there’s an avalanche of...
This week's buzz-worthy CG animation Confab SIGGRAPH has released the video of its opening day keynote, which was presented in collaboration with the Academy...
During Monday's keynote panel at SIGGRAPH, which featured top Toon Town vets from major studios, acclaimed stop-motion film director Henry Selick (Coraline, The Nightmare...
The Simpsons creator and long-time director/producer discuss crafting the property’s first theatrical short.
Last summer, family audiences settling down in theaters to enjoy Fox/Blue Sky’s...
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