Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) unveiled today Cartoon Cartoons, the next evolution of its prolific animated shorts program, signaling the studio’s largest commitment to animated...
***This article originally appeared in the March ‘20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 298)***
Mike and Julie Scully know a few things about writing and...
FOX TV has placed an order for an animated series script and pilot presentation from actor-producer Amy Poehler and her Paper Kite Productions (Broad...
One of the ways in which DreamWorks Animation Television is fulfilling its deal with Netflix is by adapting its successful features into animated series....
Nickelodeon is planning a holly-jolly holiday line-up of hit live-action, animation and preschool series, kicking off Saturday, November 28 for a month-long bonanza of...
Nickelodeon Animation has made two major promotions for its Stateside operations, SVP of current series Rich Magallanes announced today. Megan Casey, executive in charge...
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