Sony Pictures Animation has tapped three talented directors to take over the adventures of Miles Morales and the Spidey squad in the highly anticipated...
Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) unveiled today Cartoon Cartoons, the next evolution of its prolific animated shorts program, signaling the studio’s largest commitment to animated...
Following the announcement last summer that the record-smashing animated sitcom was enacting new voice casting policies and would no longer have white actors perform...
***This interview originally appeared in the February '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 307)***
The name Craig McCracken evokes deep feelings of admiration and respect...
Cartoon Network has launched global PSAs focused on the importance of good hygiene practices, in support of worldwide efforts to prevent the spread of...
Christina Miller, President of Warner Media’s Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Boomerang and TCM, announced today that she would be leaving at the end of...
Hand Drawn, an upcoming, feature-length documentary about the past, present and potential future of hand-drawn animation as told by the animators keeping it alive,...
Cartoon Network’s first official hotel, in collaboration with Palace Entertainment, will bring fan-favorite series to life through an immersive family lodging experience. With bookings...
Leading mobile, PC, console and web game publisher Kongregate has teamed up with No. 1 U.S. TV animation destination Cartoon Network and game developer...
***This interview originally appears in the May ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 290)***
Over the past decade, Diego Molano has had a colorful career...
Cartoon Network's newest animated supernatural comedy Victor and Valentino continues in the month of May with new episodes premiering every Saturday at 9:30 a.m....
Cartoon Network Enterprises has partnered with well-known Indian fashion designer Nandita Mahtani to launch a stellar collection inspired by the network’s iconic 1990s toons....
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