Studio 100 International has debuted the first official trailer for its upcoming animated feature, Heidi – Rescue of the Lynx. The spot is available...
Studio 100 Media (Germany) and 3Doubles Producciones (Spain) announce the start of development of their collaborative CG-animated feature film, Flamingo Flamenco (80 minutes). Scheduled...
One of the most exciting aspects of France’s Cartoon Movie pitching and co-pro event (, which takes place online March 9-11 this year, is...
Paris-based film sales company Charades, which helped bring Jeremy Clapin’s Oscar-nominated I Lost My Body and Mamoru Hosoda’s acclaimed Mirai to audiences around the...
French studio ON Entertainment (The Little Prince) is teaming up with co-producers Foliascope (The Tower), Luxembourg’s Bidibul Prod. (A Cat in Paris) and Canada’s...
Founded last summer by European entertainment powerhouse Studio 100 Media Group, Munich-based Studio Isar Animation has opened its doors and is ready to contribute...
The ANIMA Brussels Int’l Animation Film Festival (March 1-10) continues to unveil programming highlights for the 2019 edition, including can’t-miss talks and workshops for...
A new CG-animated, uplifting TV special featuring an all-star British voice cast is underway! Lending their talents to Master Moley (currently in production) are...
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