Adult Swim has released the all-new official trailer for the highly-anticipated second season of The Shivering Truth. The compelling yet discomforting stop-motion animated series...
More beautifully bizarre and hilariously morbid animation is coming to Adult Swim, as the network announces all-new original series JJ Villard’s Fairy Tales is...
Joel Kuwahara, co-founder and principal at Bento Box, and Ollie Green, VP of production at Adult Swim, discussed the fast-evolving, challenging and interesting world...
’Star Trek: Discovery’s Sonequa Martin-Green Joins LeBron James in ‘Space Jam 2’
Variety has learned that the actress, who got her big break in AMC’s...
***This article originally appeared in the January ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 286)***
Nothing can quite get under the human skin like stop-motion animation....
Adult Swim is diving into the mysterious depths of the human mind in the new animated stop-motion series The Shivering Truth, premiering Sunday, December...
Academy Award-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro is making his animated feature film directorial debut at Netflix with his lifelong passion project, Pinocchio, a stop-motion...
Park City, Utah’s influential and prestigious Sundance Film Festival has revealed the Shorts, Indie Episodic and Special Events selections for the 2018 edition (Jan....
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