Longtime The Simpsons animator and assistant director Edwin Aguilar has died following his hospitalization due to a massive stroke. The talented cartoonist, martial arts...
The longest-running primetime scripted show in TV history, The Simpsons, makes its first appearance at D23 Expo following the Disney-Fox acquisition.Creator Matt Groening, executive...
Matthew Berkowitz has been promoted to Chief Creative Officer (CCO) of Thunderbird Entertainment and Atomic Cartoons. The company has also appointed Kristin Cummings and...
Ted Stearn, creator of the off-kilter alternative comic Fuzz & Pluck and contributor to many beloved adult-targeted animated series, died February 1 at age...
With Kidscreen Summit kicking the spring market season into serious gear next week and first quarter check-ins from major networks, there’s an avalanche of...
Accomplished Disney animator Leo Matsuda, who wrote and directed the Head vs. Heart themed short Inner Workings which screened ahead of Moana in 2016,...
On Saturday, March 24, East Los Angeles College will host Latin American Animation Day, presented in partnership with Cinema Without Borders as the fourth...
Multi-territory distributor China Lion Entertainment Production has boarded animated feature project Extinct, from director David Silverman (Monsters, Inc., The Simpsons Movie) and several of...
The official judges panel for The World Animation Celebration 2017 international short film animation festival have been announced, with pros from across the animation...
Annie Award-nominated animation artist and writer-director of the Disney theatrical short Inner Workings (released with Moana), Leo Matsuda, has signed on with WME and...
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