Animation Is Film (AIF) and its partner, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, announced the fourth edition of the U.S.-based festival is set for...
Despite growing concerns over the spread of the coronavirus epidemic around the world, this year's edition of the Cartoon Movie animation event attracted about...
For the fourth consecutive year, the celebrated feature animation production and distribution forum Cartoon Movie will shine a spotlight on a particular geographic corner...
Organizers of Belgium’s Anima - The Brussels Animation Film Festival 2020 (Feb. 21-Mar. 1) have announced that the Oscar-qualifying event will continue its annual...
Celebrating France’s rich tradition as a pioneer of animation, the French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) presents the 2020 Animation First Festival, showcasing the vast...
The 21st Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2019) held its award ceremony Tuesday night. The winners of South Korea’s premiere toon competition included some of...
Thirty-two films from around the world have been submitted for consideration in the Animated Feature Film category for the 92nd Academy Awards. The submitted...
Creative Director Aneta Ozorek and the Kaboom Animation Festival team have revealed the official selections for the inaugural Dutch combo event. The first competition...
The competition lineup of the third annual Animation Is Film Festival has been revealed, with 10 internationally acclaimed animated features set to screen at...
Global feature film competition selections have been announced for the 21st Bucheon International Animation Festival, taking place October 18-22 this year. The eight titles...
Nothing says animation festival season is officially upon us like the arrival of the biggest event of the year, the glorious Annecy International Animated...
Organizers of the 2019 Annecy Festival (June 10-15) have confirmed that two eagerly awaited works are joining the official feature film competition. Recently confirmed...
Yasmina Khadra’s 2002 novel The Swallows of Kabul (Les Hirondelles de Kaboul) takes an unflinching, compassionate look at the lives of two couples —...
The French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) has announced the lineup for the 2019 Animation First festival, taking place Friday, January 25 through Sunday, January...
An eclectic group of animated shorts and features received special prizes at the 2018 Annecy Animation Festival today. Boris Labbé’s La Chute, Lucia Bulgerhoni’s...
This year’s Annecy International Animated Film Festival and MIFA market (June 11-16 & 12-15) will collect some of the brightest lights in the international...
Cartoon Movie 2015 kicked off in Lyon, France Wednesday evening, opening the pitching and co-production forum with a screening of Aardman Animation’s Shaun the...