The second animated feature from Japan's Studio Ponoc (Mary and the Witch's Flower), The Imaginary will premiere on Netflix on July 5, the streamer announced...
Studio Ghibli Fest returns to theaters in 2024 for its biggest year yet. In 2023, the event programming broke box-office records with the first-ever...
Following his second Academy Award win for Best Animated feature for The Boy and the Heron, filmmaker and Studio Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki is reportedly feeling...
Studio Ponoc and Netflix have forged a multi-film partnership to bring animated features from the Japanese prodco to Netflix members around the world as...
Oscar-winning Japanese animation house Studio Ghibli has forged a partnership with Chinese entertainment company Alibaba Pictures -- part of the multinational, diversified tech powerhouse...
Japan's iconic animation house Studio Ghibli appears to be teaming up with powerhouse American studio Lucasfilm (part of the Disney family), as hinted at...
GKIDS announced today that it will release the catalog of Japan’s legendary, Oscar-winning animation house Studio Ghibli, for digital download-to-rent in the United States...
The lushly animated fantasy The Deer King marks the feature directorial debut of Masashi Ando (co-director with Masayuki Miyaji), one of the most respected...
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures will continue its eclectic calendar of film screenings and public programs this winter with a series of retrospectives,...
Nine feature films have been unveiled for the 23rd Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2021) from among 77 feature film submissions. The South Korean event...
Boy, A Lot of People Searched Pornhub for Animated TV Characters in 2019
We hope you’re all proud of yourselves ... Especially whoever was searching...
GKIDS will release the catalogue of Oscar-winning Japanese animation house Studio Ghibli, for digital download-to-own in the United States and Canada on December 17....
HBO Max will bring the wonder of Japan’s legendary, Oscar-winning animation house Studio Ghibli to its slate of premium content that will be available...
Tokyo-based Studio Ponoc is working on a new animated short for the International Olympic Games. Inspired by Olympic values, the short will be release...
The Annecy International Animated Film Festival has revealed the eminent jury members who will assess works for the 2019 edition, taking place June 10-15....
GKIDS and Shout! Factory are bringing Studio Ponoc’s warmly received shorts trilogy Modest Heroes to home audiences on Blu-ray + DVD and digital download...
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