Pioneering animation artist and camera technician Ruthie Tompson, whose long career with The Walt Disney Studios budded from child acting gigs to a post...
DNEG, a leading VFX and animation studio for feature film, television and multiplatform content, has appointed Kara Oropallo as Vice President, Training, Outreach and...
Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. ( announced the appointment of veteran entertainment and media marketing executive Jared Wolfson to its executive ranks: As CEO of...
Creators from Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Egypt will bring their unique visions to audiences around the world with Kizazi Moto: Generation...
Kate Morton, currently Content Strategy Director of Family Brands at Entertainment One (eOne), is to join BBC Children's as Head of Commissioning and Acquisitions...
AfroAnimation, a virtual summit bringing together one of the largest and most diverse groups of animation industry professionals from around the world, has announced...
In celebration of the centennial of The Walt Disney Company, SC Exhibitions has begun production on an exhibition that showcases the company’s history and...
Children’s entertainment company Sutikki ( today announced new partnerships with Kids Industries, the only full-service marketing agency that specializes in the family market, next-generation...
Puerto Rico-based production company Mana-T Studios has teamed up with New York's Think Tank Emporium Licensing Group in a global representation deal for studio's...
Bob Chapek, Chief Executive Officer of The Walt Disney Company today announced that Josh D’Amaro has been named Chairman, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products...
Leading animation entertainment company Cyber Group Studios, worldwide family entertainment publisher Outright Games and Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe announce the launch of Gigantosaurus: The...
The late Disney Legend David Smith, founder of the Walt Disney Archives, will be commemorated with a window along Disneyland’s Main Street, U.S.A. celebrating...
The jury has selected 50 projects from 19 different countries for the 14th edition of Animation Production Days (APD), taking place in Stuttgart, May...
Leading India- and Singapore-based animation studio Cosmos-Maya is further expanding its senior team in Mumbai with the appointment of Priti Karandikar as Senior Vice...
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