Industry veteran Luke Carroll, producer of Netflix's animated hit The Willoughbys is joining Relish Interactive in the newly created role of SVP, Animation. Carroll...
Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine has launched a new children’s and animated content division, appointed former Nickelodeon exec Claire Curley. The shop will focus on...
Antenna Creative, a motion design studio for feature films, TV, commercials, branded content, videogames and experiential attractions, has launched as a stand-alone company in...
StudioCanal's live-action/CG-animated feature Paddington 2 enjoyed a great opening box office in the U.K, beating heavy-hitters such as Murder on the Orient Express and...
The Weinstein Company will be inaugurating a new animated features label, Mizchief, with the August 25 release of Leap! (trailer). The new branch will...
’Animaniacs’ Star Plots His Comeback After Cancer
While the animation community was sad to hear of Andrea Romano’s retirement due to illness this week, her...
After a small scheduling bump, The Weinstein Company will be releasing French-Canadian animated co-pro Leap! in theaters across the US on April 21. Featuring...
The Weinstein Company announced it will be releasing Leap! -- a French-Canadian CG animated feature centered on a late 19th century Paris ballet school...
The Weinstein Company has announced it is picking up worldwide rights (excluding China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau) to Light Chaser Animation's freshman animated...
Underdogs — the English-language version of the Argentinian animated featuare Metegol — has had its release date reset for Aug. 14.
Distributed by The Weinstein Company,...
The new French feature Santa's Apprentice 2: The Magic Snowflake (L'apprentie Pere Noel et le Flocon Magique) has been performing quite well in that...
Walden Media, a division of Anschutz Film Group and producer of fantasy family films like The Chronicles of Narnia series, Bridge to Terabithia, Charlotte's...
Vancouver-based Rainmaker Entertainment today announced that it is launching its television division and naming it Mainframe Entertainment.
"We are excited to focus our television production...
Director Cal Brunker stresses strong visuals and iconic imagery in the new, sci-fi comedy movie Escape from Planet Earth.
If luck happens when preparation meets...
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