Canadian-American comedy legends Martin Short and Catherine O’Hara have signed on to MGM’s upcoming fully-animated The Addams Family feature. The much-lauded actors, who have...
GKIDS and Fathom Events have set the U.S. theatrical premiere for Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki. The revelatory documentary on the global animation icon will...
Fans sort of assumed it was only a matter of time before irrepressible creative guru Hayao Miyazaki canceled his (sixth) retirement, announced in all...
Funimation Films has confirmed that Japanese film Your Name. has made the official consideration list in the Best Animated Feature category for the 89th...
New York’s IFC Center is beginning a 22-film screening series on Friday, December 11 celebrating some of the finest Japanese animated features ever made:...
After 17 years away, Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ delivers big time fun for fans of the long-running anime series.
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’
The pseudo-retired animation legend Hayao Miyazaki is certainly keeping busy despite stepping away from feature directing duties (so far, at least). The 74-year-old maestro...
FUNimation’s grass-roots limited theatrical release of the anime feature Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F has quietly earned a solid $8 million in ticket sales...
For the first time ever in North America, legendary director Hayao Miyazaki’s films will be available in a single home video collection. On November...
Legendary Japanese animator, director, writer and manga-ka Hayao Miyazaki has announced that he is putting his sixth attempt at retirement aside in order to...
Battle of the Planets, North America's 1970s adaptation of the action-packed anime series Gatchaman, is the latest classic show scheduled for an animated makeover....
This Saturday at the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences' Governors Awards, legendary Japanese animation director Hayao Miyazaki will be presented with an...
Animators Hayao Miyazaki will receive a Governor's Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, along with screenwriter Jean-Claude Carrière, actress Maureen...
Though celebrated animation writer, director and manga-ka Hayao Miyazaki announced plans for a really, truly, for real this time retirement back in September, Variety...
Rumors about the closure of acclaimed Japanese animation house Studio Ghibli shutting down, spurred by a translated news report of an announcement by GM...
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