From the renowned animation powerhouse Production I.G. (Psycho-Pass, Ghost in the Shell, Attack on Titan) and director Kazuto Nakazawa (Parasite Dolls, animation director of...
Shout! Factory, a multi-platform media company, and Anime Limited, the esteemed U.K. distributor of animation, have announced a North American home entertainment distribution deal...
Anime NYC, backed by Crunchyroll and SUNRISE, will welcome Mobile Suit Gundam creator and director Yoshiyuki Tomino to the 2019 event as an Official...
While American animation heroes are above money problems, Japan’s struggle to scrape by in modern economy.
In Frozen, Anna and Elsa lived in palaces; Gru...
Judging from Toei Animation's eclectic mix of projects at the MIPCOM market this week, the Japanese studio continues to deliver new seasons of favorites...
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