Animation, gaming, advertising and VFX outfit Saffronic has appointed Skyler Mattson, former President of global creative and design agency WongDoody, an Infosys company, as...
Technicolor has reached an agreement to acquire Toronto-based visual effects studio Mr. X, which will join Technicolor's Production Services division -- already home to...
Technicolor appointed two new digital entertainment executives, with Tim Sarnoff named president of production services and Claude Gagnon taking on the role of senior...
Illumination Entertainment founder Chris Meledandri, former Digital Domain president and Ender's Game producer Ed Ulbrich, Warner Bros. president of digital production, animation and vfx...
The Visual Effects Society has confirmed featured sessions for the fifth annual VES Summit, with the theme "A New Reality: Content Creation and Distribution."
Technicolor has established a new high-end game art and animation team dedicated to working with Rockstar Games. The new unit incorporates the segment of...
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