The Snow Queen producer Timur Bekmambetov has inked a deal with Yeni Dusler Animation, a toon house serving national public broadcaster Turkish Radio and...
Asia Pacific Screen Awards: Youth, Animation, Documentary Selection Panels Announced
The Animation jury will be chaired by Deborah Szapiro (lecturer in animation, University of Technology...
The 12th Asia Pacific Screen Awards were announced in Brisbane, Australia, with the top animation awards going to the documentary feature Rezo (Znaesh’ mama,...
Organizers of the 22nd Fantasia International Film Festival (July 12-August 1, Montreal) have revealed the final wave of programming additions, bringing this year’s lineup...
Valeria Dobrolyubova
Head of sales
Mirsand Ltd. distribution company
Valeria Dobrolyubova is currently Head of sales at Mirsand Ltd. distribution company that handles the rights...
Wizart Animation's CG sequel The Snow Queen: Journey Continues will arrive in theaters in a stereoscopic flurry this December in more than 10 countries...
Vertical Entertainment's new animated movie Freedom Force will be released on VOD and DVD on Dec. 31. The feature, billed as an "out-of-this-world animated...
New arrival Vertical Entertainment has picked up the U.S. distribution rights to Russian studio Wizart’s 3D animated feature The Snow Queen. Loosely based on...