Crunchyroll has acquired the North American and select global theatrical rights for SPY x FAMILY CODE: White. The first feature film installment of the...
Naoya Matsumoto's hit monster-smashing shonen manga Kaiju No. 8 is getting an anime series adaptation next year, having quickly won a loyal following since its...
Crunchyroll is set to launch multiple dubs for the long-awaited JUJUTSU KAISEN Season 2 in English, Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Italian,...
TOHO Animation has released the official trailer for its new Music Films anime shorts anthology. Part of the company's 10th anniversary celebrations, the series of...
Crunchyroll unveiled a new trailer and additional images for its upcoming March 18 theatrical release of Jujutsu Kaisen 0. The dark fantasy film from...
Crunchyroll announced it will release the highly-anticipated feature JUJUTSU KAISEN 0 in theaters for fans on March 18 in the United States and Canada,...
Blockbuster anime series My Hero Academia is joining the list of masterful hits that have reached 100 episodes after five fan-favorite seasons. The milestone...
’Lion King’ Star Billy Eichner Wants More LGBTQ Characters in Animated Movies
The actor and comedian, who voices the meerkat Timon in the new movie,...
The final, epic installment in Toho Animation’s three-part animated monster movie marathon, Godzilla: The Planet Eater is stomping its way to screens on Friday,...
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