TagsTom and Jerry

Tag: Tom and Jerry

The Most Shocking Cartoon Ever Made!

If the Annie Awards ever decided to create a category for Outstanding Achievement in Horrifyingly Bad Taste in Animation, 1989’s Quiet Please would be...

Animation Block Party Spotlight: Doug Crane

Animation Block Party (www.animationblock.com) is the premier animation festival of the East Coast. In this interview series, the founder of ABP, Casey Safron will...

Remembering Gene Kelly in Toon Town

Legendary dancer, actor, choreographer and director Gene Kelly is being feted this week by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which is...

Winnie the Pooh, Tom & Jerry New on DVD

A tasty selection of home entertainment treats are available for sampling today, including Disney’s new animated Winnie the Pooh adventure and Volume One of...

Celebrating Chuck Jones’ 99th Birthday

Few animators have been as influential as Chuck Jones, who would have turned 99 years old today. Jones directed many of the best Looney Tunes...

New DVD Rush: Tom and Jerry and The Angry Beavers

The Angry Beavers: Season 1 and 2. Shout! Factory continues its mission to release popular Nick Toons from the past on DVD this week...

The Case of the Copycat Concerto

It’s only August, but Oscar chatter is already starting to be heard.  This has reminded me of one particular Oscar-winning cartoon, around which revolves...

‘Tron,’ ‘Tron: Legacy’ Race Onto DVD, Blu-ray

Greetings, programs! Time to fire up your DVD and Blu-ray players and get ready for the return of the classic Tron and the home...

Classic ‘Tom & Jerry,’ New ‘Chuggington’ Lead DVD Sets

A lot of classic characters are arriving in this week's delivery of home entertainment releases. It doesn't get more classic than Tom & Jerry: Fur Flying...