Animation fans in India looking for an anytime fix of their favorite Cartoon Network titles are celebrating the launch of CN Rewind, Warner Bros. Discovery’s...
Set the oven to pre-heat and start your Thanksgiving Day off right with MeTV, which this Thursday, November 28 will present a special holiday-themed...
Weigel Broadcasting Co. today unveiled the programming schedule for its highly anticipated new network, MeTV Toons — launching Tuesday, June 25 as the only...
Warner Bros. Games today announced that MultiVersus, the free-to-play platform fighter videogame, has officially launched on PlayStation 5 (PS5) and PlayStation 4 consoles, Xbox Series...
Weigel Broadcasting Co. announced the launch of an all-new national television network, MeTV Toons, dedicated exclusively to classic animation, from Hollywood-era shorts to made-for-television favorites....
Film London will be diving into the opportunities for U.S. and Canadian studios curious about partnering with the U.K. capital's animation houses in an...
As part of its centennial campaign "Celebrating Every Story," Warner Bros. Discovery has unveiled its collection of global products, content, and experiences honoring Warner...
Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. which recently entered into an agreement to acquire Curiosity Ink Media – a producer of original multiplatform family entertainment –...
Some of the biggest names in animation and computer games will share their industry knowledge at Teesside University's internationally renowned Animex festival -- one...
Presented in development at the 2018 Annecy International Animation Film Market (MIFA), The Smurfs, a new animated series produced by Dupuis Edition et Audiovisuel...
Grom Social Enterprises, Inc. today announced it has entered into a binding letter of intent to acquire kids and family entertainment company, Curiosity Ink...
Conrad Montgomery has joined Nickelodeon as Vice President, Current Series, Animation. In this role, Montgomery will serve as an Executive in Charge (EIC) overseeing...
Warner Bros Pictures has landed a multi-film pact with U.K. CG feature studio Locksmith Animation to co-develop and distribute its slate of pictures. The...
Nickelodeon to Debut Brand-New ‘SpongeBob’ Balloon, ‘Blue’s Clues & You’ Float at Macy’s T-Day Parade
Nickelodeon is celebrating 20 years of its iconic SpongeBob SquarePants...
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