Apple Original Films and Skydance Animation have come together to create Blush, a CG-animated spacefaring tale based on a heartfelt personal story. This first...
The winners of the 2021 EE British Academy Film Awards were revealed across two ceremonies this weekend, celebrating the year's top achievements in film....
Following a special St. Patrick's Day return to New York City last month, GKIDS has announced new theatrical re-release dates for Wolfwalkers in Los...
***This article originally appeared in the May '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 310)***
While Los Angeles begins to loosen its COVID-19 restrictions, the organizers...
Oscar- and Golden Globe-nominated, Annie-winning director Mamoru Hosoda (Mirai, Wolf Children, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) and his Studio Chizu have debuted the...
This year’s Virtual Animation Dingle presented by JAM Media took place throughout this week, delivering an incredible lineup of guests and speakers from a...
The Producers Guild of America held its virtual 32nd annual Awards ceremony Wednesday evening, presented by General Motors. Celebrating the year's motion picture and...
Creating an opportunity for animation film enthusiasts everywhere, the four-time Academy Award-nominated animation studio Cartoon Saloon, announced the launch today of a new e-commerce...
Onward (Best Animated Feature)
“Thank you to the Academy for honoring our film. We share this nomination with the entire cast and the crew at...
Apple Original Film Wolfwalkers will be rereleased in theaters by North American theatrical distributor GKIDS, starting with a New York theatrical run at the...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has announced the nominations for the EE British Academy Film Awards in 2021, celebrating the...
Today, the Producers Guild of America (PGA) announced nominations in the Motion Pictures and Television categories for the 32nd Annual Producers Guild Awards Presented...
This morning, ASIFA-Hollywood announced the nominations for its 48th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation across 36 categories.
With five deserving animated features scoring nominations for this year's Golden Globe Awards, as reported this morning, thrilled filmmakers are sharing their reactions to...
The Hollywood Foreign Press announced the five titles nominated for this year’s Best Animated Feature Golden Globe this morning. The announcement was made by...
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