Mondo TV is returning to MIPCOM with new and expanding titles. “Despite the difficulties of the past 18 months, we have successfully developed, produced...
Gaumont Animation has secured a number of international sales for its animated CGI series Calimero (104 x 11 mins.), based on the original 1963 series of...
It seems that Gaumont Animation has something to cluck about as its children's animated series Calimero has won over young audiences in France since...
Calimero, a new animated CG series based on the classic international children's series will premiere Feb. 9 in France on TF1.
The new series, featuring...
French studio Gaumont Animation, Calidra, Italy's Studio Campedelli and Japanese partners TV Tokyo and Kodansha, announced that their new animated CGI series Calimero (104...
France's Gaumont Animation is teaming up with Calidra and Italy’s Studio Campedelli to co-produce a new animated CGI series featuring the lovable little black...
As international companies gear up for the MIP-TV market in France next month, we are getting bombarded with news about about global franchises. Here...
In advance of Nuremberg and New York Toy Fair, European kids’ entertainment producer/distributor Alphanim has announced that it has recently secured key licensees for...
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