Following up on Sid Lee’s acclaimed 2022 and 2023 IGA Christmas spots “The Meatloaf” and “Mr. Beaver’s Yule Log,” Montreal-based animation studio Tonic DNA...
Montreal’s award-winning studio Tonic DNA has absorbed all assets and intellectual property belonging to Éric Gervais-Després’ indie entertainment company, nGenious Studio.
Éric Gervais-Després will come...
***This article originally appeared in the January '23 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 326)***
Crossing from animation to live action has long been one of...
Intellectual disability charity L’Arche has partnered with award-winning animation studio Tonic DNA for a new film that challenges the misconceptions surrounding Down Syndrome. Written...
***This article originally ran in the January ‘20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 296)***
When animation writer and director Peter Browngardt was in junior high,...
***This article originally appeared in the December ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 295)***
The hugely loved children’s books of Dr. Seuss (the late Theodor...
Festival Stop Motion Montreal announces Marie Valade and Dominique Côté as the new co-directors of the event. With their experience, respectively as coordinator and...
Just in time for its 35th anniversary, Academy Award-winning Montreal-based animation producer Studio Pascal Blais has rebranded itself with the new name TONIC DNA,...
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