Romantic comedy anime series Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You, a Seven Arcs production, arrives in select North American e-commerce stores this fall from...
Anime lovers can celebrate Valentine's Day through their screens through the month of February, with a lineup of adored romance titles available to watch...
Crunchyroll is ready to kick off its Spring 2023 anime season with the debut of new series Hell's Paradise this weekend. Produced by MAPPA, the show...
Virtual Crunchyroll Expo (V-CRX) is planning a sizzling experience for anime fans this summer! On top of announcing the next slate of guests heading...
AT&T to Spin Off and Combine WarnerMedia with Discovery
The to-be-named new standalone media company will be headed by Discovery CEO David Zaslav with the...
Leading global anime brand Crunchyroll revealed Friday night the winners of its fifth annual Anime Awards, a celebration of the best and brightest in...
Global entertainment giant Sony is in final negotiations to acquire U.S.-based anime streamer and producer Crunchyroll, according to a Friday report from Nikkei Asia.
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