Following its Cannes first-look debut earlier this year, the animated feature project The Land of Sometimes announces that comedy icon Mel Brooks (Space Balls, Blazing...
Moley creator James Reatchlous has launched a new production company named Two Daughters Entertainment and tapped Oscar-winning producer and former DreamWorks co-president Bonnie Arnold...
Moley creator James Reatchlous has launched a new production company named Two Daughters Entertainment. The company also announced the kids and family distributor, Jetpack...
Rainbow Founder & CEO Iginio Straffi was honored Saturday with the Kids Trendsetter Award, presented at MIP Junior in recognition of the Italian hitmaker’s...
A new CG-animated, uplifting TV special featuring an all-star British voice cast is underway! Lending their talents to Master Moley (currently in production) are...
Gateway Films’ British animated feature Saving Santa has announced the addition of British actors Martin Freeman (The Hobbit), Noel Clarke and Tim Curry to...
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