Netflix Canada and Women in Animation Vancouver (WIA) announced today the expansion of WIA Vancouver's Animation Career EXCELerator Program (ACE). Netflix co-CEO and Chief...
Heather Walk, executive producer and established industry veteran, has purchased Yowza! Animation from founder Claude Chiasson. Established in 1996, Yowza! has built a reputation...
Cardiff-based Bait Studio has restructured and invested in a new facility, bringing its visual effects and motion graphics, animation and interactive divisions together on...
Disney XD’s Star Wars Rebels plots a course back to the franchise’s storytelling and visual roots.
After some 15 years of focusing all its storytelling...
ToonBoom's Animate Pro 3.0
ToonBoom has definitely carved a niche for itself in the animation world, from the production-level Harmony products down to the tools...
Toons’ Top Talent and Producers to Converge and Converse on the Future of international Co-production at the World Animation Feature Films & VFX Summit
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