Netflix has unpacked the official trailer and key art for The Summit of the Gods, the critically acclaimed 2D animated feature from César Award-winning...
Multiple Daytime Emmy Award-winning Hulu Original Series Animaniacs escapes the Warner Watertower for an all-new, 13-episode second season on November 5. The streamer today...
Animortal Studios announces that its British-made stop-motion animated feature Chuck Steel: Night of the Trampires will bring its outrageous, horror-tinged, action-comedy mayhem into U.K....
VivaKids is gearing up for its biggest theatrical engagement yet with the animated comedy-adventure Monster Family 2: Nobody's Perfect -- a CG creature feature...
Netflix this morning debuted the official trailer and key art for upcoming animated event series Maya and the Three, from creator, director & executive...
Disney+ released the trailer for The Muppets’ first-ever Halloween special Muppets Haunted Mansion, which premieres Friday, October 8, exclusively on Disney+. Starring in the...
An unthinkable tragedy propels Superman into a dangerous new mindset, ultimately pitting Justice League members against each other in Injustice, the all-new DC Animated...
Comic-Con@Home was truly home sweet@home for Paramount+ on Friday morning! The ViacomCBS streamer's big panel day included a reveal of the official key art...
Disney+ unveiled a new trailer and poster today for Marvel Studios’ What If…?, showcasing the compelling series that reimagines famous events from films in...
A new trailer, poster and images are now available introducing audiences to Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Encanto, the tale of an extraordinary family, the...
The 20th anniversary edition of the animago AWARD competition was celebrated Thursday with a festive event held for the first time in Munich’s Gasteig...
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