In Nickelodeon Animation's upcoming Netflix Original The Loud House Movie, put-upon only brother Lincoln Loud discovers he is the sole heir to the Scottish...
Academy Award winner Sam Rockwell (Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri), Awkwafina (The Farewell, Marvel's Shang-Chi), Marc Maron (GLOW), Craig Robinson (Hot Tub Time Machine),...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 395 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
Nickelodeon’s fantastic new series The Barbarian and the Troll has captured the hearts of fantasy lovers, puppet fanatics and connoisseurs of fine warrior princess...
Mindshow, the Los Angeles-based CG animation production company built on proprietary software, has raised millions in funding and announced Sharon Bordas as its new...
Today, Sutikki, the children’s entertainment company behind the popular U.K. show Moon & Me, announced the appointment of Hannah Mungo as CEO and Simon...
DreamWorks Animation today announced that the studio has entered into a multi-year deal with Walt Dohrn, director of the recently released Trolls World Tour...
Columbia Pictures has acquired the rights to develop Geoff Rodkey's middle-grade comedy sci-fi novel We're Not from Here as a hybrid live-action/animated feature film....
***This article originally appeared in the April '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 299)***
Like any good pop confection, DreamWorks Animation’s 2016 hit feature Trolls...
Global kids & family entertainment leader WildBrain Ltd. announced a number of key management appointments. Michael Riley has been appointed Chief Brands Officer (CBO);...
Hulu announced that it will premiere several new DreamWorks animated titles at the TV Critics Association press event today. As a new streaming home...
IDW Publishing and Smithsonian Enterprises have partnered on a multi-year global publishing program, which will create an unprecedented library of graphic novels build on...
All-new, incredible musical landscapes and creatures are waiting to be discovered -- and saved from the piratical onslaught of Queen Barb and her Hard...
BAFTA and multi-award winning animation and visual effects studio Jellyfish Pictures announced the appointment of Joachim de Brunier to Head of Modelling. Continuing Jellyfish...
Universal Brand Development has announced an expansive, global toy and lifestyle program for the highly anticipated animated sequel Trolls World Tour (April 17, 2020),...
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