Tubi announced it has renewed the hit comedy, The Freak Brothers, its first-ever original animated series, for a second season, which is slated to premiere...
FOX Entertainment's free VOD service Tubi has entered into a content partnership deal with GKIDS, producer-distributor of acclaimed animated movies from around the world....
This week, FOX Entertainment's free streaming service Tubi treats its viewers to three full seasons of the globally popular Pokémon animated series – comprising...
Last week, the premiere of the new animated series, The Freak Brothers, became Tubi’s most-watched episode, ranking #1 in total viewing time (TVT) since it...
Tubi announced the premiere episode of its first-ever original animated series, The Freak Brothers, delivered the platform’s most-watched episode, ranking #1 in total viewing...
Tubi unveiled the trailer for its first-ever original animated series The Freak Brothers, based on the cult classic underground comics by Gilbert Shelton and...
Charlie Collier, CEO, FOX Entertainment, unveiled the FOX primetime slate for the 2021-2022 television season to the national advertising community during its virtual Upfront...
Pixar Staff Speaks Out against Disney Moving Its Films to Streaming Only
Several Pixar staffers spoke anonymously to BusinessInsider about the release tactic taken for...
Tubi, a division of FOX Entertainment, announced it will exclusively premiere the massively popular Anpanman franchise from TMS Entertainment to English- and Spanish-speaking audiences.
With Thursday marking Anime Day 2021 (April 15), leading streamers of the beloved animated genre are planting bountiful spring crops of new dubbed and...
Tubi, a division of FOX Entertainment, is continuing to expand its robust animation portfolio by entering a significant licensing agreement with Toei Animation, the...
Vertical Entertainment and Bron Studios' (The Willoughbys, Ghostbusters: Afterlife) family-friendly animated feature Henchmen will make its free streaming debut in the U.S. exclusively on...
Following the recent dramatic increase of viewership on Kid Genius Cartoon Channel and Baby Genius TV digital platforms, Genius Brands International, Inc. announced that...
Leading education technology innovator Age of Learning, creator of the widely popular ABCmouse Early Learning Academy, and Tubi, the world’s largest ad-supported video on...
Tubi (www.tubi.tv), the world’s largest ad-supported video on demand (AVOD) service, will launch its service in the U.K. in early 2020, with additional territories...
Genius Brands International has appointed content sales and acquisitions veteran Caroline Tyre to oversee global content sales as SVP of international distribution. Additionally, Tyre...
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