The bloody battle between mortals and Norse gods is night, with Zack Snyder's hotly anticipated adult animated series Twilight of the Gods premiering Thursday, September...
Netflix is gearing up for its first-ever DROP 01 virtual showcase, which over 90 minutes will debut sneak peeks and updates for eagerly awaited genre...
While Netflix treated fans to a new featurette for Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio during the stateside TUDUM this weekend, the mirror fan event in Japan unveiled...
The days in the Northen Hemisphere are getting hotter, but families everywhere can beat the heat, reconnect and stay entertained thanks to a sizzling...
Hold on to your haunts: A new Ghostbusters animated series is coming to splash more paranormal laughs (and ectoplasm) across screens.
Announced during Geeked Week's Animation...
Netflix's inaugural TUDUM global fan event showered down sneak peeks and updates on the streamers' popular titles and highly anticipated new projects on Saturday,...
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