The roll-out of DreamWorks Animation's original series for streaming platform Netflix continues as the dapper feline of Shrek fame gets his own episodic treatment...
Turner Broadcasting's kids channel Boomerang will relaunch in several key territories in Asia starting January 1, 2015 -- complete with a new look and...
Netflix is tuning up its speedy streaming content today as it launches six brand-new episodes of DreamWorks' Turbo FAST today. The two-part, 22-minute episodes...
Former Nick exec Brian Wright has joined Netflix to oversee original children's and family programming for the streaming video service.
Wright will oversee exclusive live-action,...
Emmys voters have long had a reputation of being a bit stodgy and old-fashioned, but that's been changing with their increasing willingness to nominate...
DreamWorks Animation has announced another original animated series heading to Netflix next year: Dinotrux.
Based on Chris Gall's award-winning book series, Dinotrux is an action-packed...
DreamWorks Animation and Netflix have announced the next three original animated kids' series in their partnership: Puss in Boots, King Julien and Veggie Tales...
Planeta Junior and DreamWorks Animation have agreed to an extensive, multi-year TV deal that covers Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Turkey and includes more...
Netflix's first-ever original kids' series, DreamWorks Animation's Turbo FAST, will enjoy a Christmas Eve launch as the animated show based on the summer snail...
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