An artistically ambitious new animated feature from Japan is ready to enchant U.S. audiences when Netflix debuts Mononoke The Movie: The Phantom in the...
Episodes of multiple highly anticipated anime series have been leaked online through anonymous message board and content piracy websites, Anime News Network confirmed Tuesday....
Season 2 of the anime historical drama Vinland Saga has weighed anchor on Crunchyroll, available to stream now. Based on the award-winning Viking manga epic written...
Netflix has opened the doors to Drifting Home with a new teaser trailer, which introduces anime fans to the supernatural summer adventure. This second feature...
***This article was written for the November '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 314)***
The new Star Wars: Visions anthology series, which premiered on Disney+...
During Anime Expo Lite on Sunday, Disney+ announced the names of the seven Japanese anime studios bringing their unique talent and perspective to Star...
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