Toronto-based animation studio Cuppa Coffee (Bruno, Celebrity Deathmatch, Ugly Americans) is planning a spinoff for its stop-motion reality show spoof Life’s a Zoo. The...
Toronto-based house Cuppa Coffee is producing a new stop-motion animated series called The F’n Osbournes. Studio founder Adam Shaheen will bring the series to...
Fresh off earning a Gemini nomination for animating Nick at Nite’s Glenn Martin, DDS, Toronto-based Cuppa Coffee Studios will lend its expertise to a...
Comedy Central and Spike TV’s videogame banner 345 Games has announced it will release Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon for PlayStation Network on August 30 and...
Comedy Central's Ugly Americans returns for a wet, hot summer of zombie-loving good times with affable human social worker Mark Lilly (voiced by Matt...
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