Twentieth Century Fox TV is looking to add another animated comedy to its lineup. In development is Gerald’s World, an original concept co-created by...
DHX Media announces nine new distribution deals for the first season of animated series Fangbone! (50 x 11 min.) Broadcasters newly onboard include ABC...
ITV Studios Global Entertainment's revamped series Thunderbirds Are Go has proven a hit across Europe, drawing strong ratings throughout France, Benelux and the Nordics....
DHX Media has secured 10 new broadcast deals for its updated Teletubbies series with networks across the globe. The preschool series has been licensed...
PGS Entertainment has inked a number of global media licensing deals for Iron Man: Armored Adventures (52 x 30). The CG-animated adventure series produced...
Planeta Junior and Nottingham Forest have partnered with Prava I Prevodi for the TV and home entertainment rights for animated action series Sendokai Champions...
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