The Emile Awards returned this year, recognizing outstanding achievement in European animation. The 2024 honors for feature film and short film craft were presented in...
Spanish studio Abano Productions (Unicorn Wars) and Colombia's Letrario have partnered for a new 2D animated feature film, titled Mu-Ki-Ra, which will be showcased during...
Animafest Zagreb 2023 has unveiled the selections for its Grand Competition Feature Film -- a thematically and stylistically diverse array, selected by artistic director...
It's no picnic for these teddy bears... the feature-length animated horror-comedy Unicorn Wars is ready to make its Blu-ray debut this spring. The latest visually...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards ( announced the finalists for their sixth edition today in Madrid. A total of 21 works from 10 countries...
Here is a brief overview of some of the projects presenting this week at Cartoon Movie 2023 that grabbed our attention. Visit daily...
There are two universal truths about Cartoon Movie, the European animated feature confab which takes place March 7-9 in Bordeaux: There is something for...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the nominated titles for their sixth edition, taking place on May 13 in San Cristóbal de La Laguna,...
The Toronto Animation Arts Festival International (TAAFI) is returning to in-person celebration of all things toon this month, running online from February 13-15 before...
Studios, distributors and individuals from 11 European countries have been nominated for the 2023 Cartoon Tributes, which recognize the most outstanding achievements of European...
GKIDS announced release dates and debuted a new trailer for Unicorn Wars, the latest genre-bending animated feature for adults from Goya Award and Annecy...
The French Institute Alliance Française announces the program for the sixth annual Animation First, the only U.S. festival dedicated to showcasing the legacy and...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Interest in animated feature projects continues to grow, so it’s never...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Which animated features are going for Oscar gold on March 13,...
As moviegoers around the world eagerly await the theatrical rollout of Alberto Vázquez's new animated feature Unicorn Wars (which premiered in Spain in October), the...
Those who have attended L.A.’s exciting Animation Is Film festival in previous years already know that it’s one of the animation calendar’s most anticipated...
This month, we have the great honor of visiting acclaimed Spanish writer, director and comic artist Alberto Vázquez,whose new movie Unicorn Wars premiered at...
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