One of the year's most highly acclaimed animated features, DreamWorks Animation's The Wild Robot makes its Digital debut through Universal Pictures Home Entertainment today, available to...
While continuing to charm family audiences in theaters, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment today announced that the critically acclaimed DreamWorks Animation feature The Wild Robot will...
The film that helped Illumination's supervillain adventures become the first animated franchise to ever cross $5 billion, Despicable Me 4 will be available on Digital...
DreamWorks Animation’s action-packed aquatic adventure gets a home video release of epic proportions with Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken Collector’s Edition, available on Digital August...
Shattering box-office records and generating over a billion dollars worldwide, Nintendo and Illumination’s video game-inspired animated gut The Super Mario Bros. Movie will be...
Your favorite leche-lapping, whisker-twirling, highly fashionable feline hero is ready to regale home audiences with his animated feats when DreamWorks Animation's Puss in Boots:...
DreamWorks Animation's long-awaited return to the Shrek universe begins its next adventure when Puss in Boots: The Last Wish arrives on Digital on February 21,...
The biggest global animated franchise in history adds an all-new laugh-out-loud gru-vy movie in Illumination’s Minions: The Rise of Gru, available to own with over...
Disney-Pixar's Lightyear is ready to rocket up the domestic box-office charts, with trades reporting a $5.2 million Thursdsay preview night take. The Toy Story spinoff directed by...
Oh, snaps! The eccentric and unconventional Addams family is back in the all-new full-length animated comedy The Addams Family 2, available to own for...
A new half-hour animated musical special reuniting the colorful cast of DreamWorks Animation's Trolls franchise will be bringing holiday cheer to TV screens next...
The Boss Baby is back and reporting for business in DreamWorks Animation's The Boss Baby: Family Business, the hilarious DreamWorks Animation sequel guaranteed to...
Everyone’s favorite ogre is turning 20! Universal Pictures, DreamWorks Animation and Fathom Events have partnered to bring Shrek, the hilarious and irreverent Academy Award-winning...
With numbers still coming in, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is seeing record weekend and opening day numbers for the digital rental debut of DreamWorks...
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