Lightyear, The Bob’s’ Burgers Movie and Marcel the Shell with Shoes On have new animation competition this Friday as Universal/Illumination’s much-anticipated Minions: The Rise of...
Headspinner Productions ( has started production on the preschool animated series Happy House of Frightenstein, based on the beloved characters from the 1971 Canadian...
As expected, Sony's much-anticipated and glowingly reviewed Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse landed at the top of the U.S. box office this weekend, bringing in...
The Producers Guild of America (PGA) has unveiled the list of theatrical motion picture and television nominations for the 29th Annual Producers Guild Awards. The...
The American Cinema Editors has unveiled the three animated nominees for this year's ACE Eddie Award for Best Edited Feature Film as Disney/Pixar's Coco, Universal/Illumination’s Despicable...
Mark your calendars, Minion fans! The upcoming movie featuring the little yellow guys from the Universal/Illumination hit movie Despicable Me will be released on...
Those popular, little yellow guys from Universal/Illumination’s Despicable Me franchise will be starring in their own feature. reports that the Minions will be...
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