Atomic Cartoons, the Kids and Family Division of Thunderbird Entertainment, and Penguin Young Readers, along with creator Max Brallier, are proud to announce two...
DreamWorks Animation has optioned the rights to Dog Man, the #1 global bestselling series by author and illustrator Dav Pilkey (Captain Underpants), and is...
Disney’s animated treasure Mulan has captured audiences for over 20 years, and this year’s live-action re-imagining of the beloved tale has been hailed as...
Warner Bros. Animation (WBA) and award-winning writer/director/producer Ava DuVernay are developing a high-end serialized animated family television series based on the #1 New York...
Atomic Cartoons, the kids and family division of Thunderbird Entertainment Group Inc., and Cyber Group Studios have entered into a Master Toy Agreement with...
Penguin Random House and Atomic Cartoons, the kids division of Thunderbird Entertainment Group Inc., have revealed exciting updates for The Last Kids on Earth...
Scholastic Entertainment, which recently announced the Clifford the Big Red Dog reboot launching on Amazon Prime Video and PBS KIDS next fall, has revealed...
Missed Part 1? Read it here.
Blockchain was a major new presence at this year’s Game Developers Conference, in booths, meetings and panels. CEOs/Founders told...
Everyone’s favorite prehistoric rodent is finally getting his due -- although he probably still won’t quite snatch that acorn. Scrat, of Fox and Blue...
George Miller’s dancing penguins of Happy Feet Two will be aiming for the family audiences this weekend, before Disney’s The Muppets and Sony/Aardman’s Arthur...
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