Top Euro kids’ studio TeamTO has set a five-series, 10-year output deal with China’s UYoung. The partnership, which follows the acquisition of TeamTO animated...
Space Race LLC has struck a key partnership with leading Chinese children’s entertainment and media company UYoung for its award-winning preschool series Space Racers....
Distributor Federation Kids & Family and its sister production company Cottonwood Media have brought on another raft of broadcast and licensing partners across Europe...
Federation Kids & Family and its sister prodco Cottonwood Media have forged a new key partnership with leading Chinese family entertainment company UYOUNG for...
FranceTV Distribution has a couple animated highlights among its diverse MIP slate. First up, a brand-new 3D season of Little Brown Bear, the famous...
Shout! Factory and Chinese entertainment company UYoung have secured an agreement that will bring preschool series P. King Duckling to the North American home...
UYoung has secured TV and VOD rights to three series from France’s Xilam in China: international hit animated comedy Oggy & the Cockroaches, lighthearted...
VIDEO: ‘Monster Trucks’ (2017) Trailer
Paramount Pictures has released the preview for its kooky CG vehicular-critter flick, in theaters January 13, 2017.
Borivoj Dovniković Wins 27th...
Beijing-based media group Uyoung has appointed independent production and distribution company Planet Nemo as the international distributor for its new animated TV series Super...
It’s that magical time of year when Cannes, France’s Palais des Festivals (and any bars within walking distance) are jam-packed with content creators and...
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