It seems that the raunchy grocery romp Sausage Party whetted the animation appetites of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. According to Variety, the comedy...
Fox is in development on another new animated comedy series, Variety reports. Dubbed Temporary Humans, the show centers on a hapless 20-something named Jake...
Fox TV is adopting a new addition to its Animation Domination lineup, giving a series order to Housebroken (formerly titled Therapy Dog), which already...
Disney Channel has ordered a second season of animated fantasy-comedy The Owl House ahead of its series premiere Friday, January 10 (8:45 p.m. EST),...
As previously announced, the award-winning The SpongeBob Musical: Live on Stage! is coming to Nickelodeon! Reuniting members of the original Broadway company, the big...
Following a critically lauded run on Broadway, members of the original award-winning Broadway company of The SpongeBob Musical: Live On Stage! will reunite to...
Walt Disney Animation Studios has signed on four filmmakers to bring their visions to new, original feature projects: Carlos López Estrada (director, Blindspotting), Marc...
Oscar-winning U.K. stop-motion studio Aardman Animations (Early Man, Shaun the Sheep, Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit, Chicken Run) has tapped longtime executive...
The competition lineup of the third annual Animation Is Film Festival has been revealed, with 10 internationally acclaimed animated features set to screen at...
A colorful, fantastical land of fanciful creatures, song and adventure is coming to Netflix streaming in Centaurworld -- a new animated kids’ series from...
‘Oxenfree’ Now Available for $9.99
Just in time for Halloween, Night School Studio’s acclaimed game gets a permanent price drop across Xbox One, PlayStation 4,...
Netflix is all shook up for Elvis. The streaming service has announced that has ordered an adult animated action comedy series featuring Elvis Presley....
Ottawa Pitch This! Contest Deadline Extended
TAC’s signature showcase opportunity for new projects is seeking 10 worthy pitches from Canadian creators. The deadline has been...
The Walt Disney Company has hit 20th Century Fox with another round of layoffs. Several dozen studio employees including several key executives were let...
Andrea Miloro is resigning the role of Co-President of Fox Animation, Variety reports. Co-President Robert Braid, with whom Miloro oversaw Fox’s Blue Sky Studios(Ice...
Jon Favreau’s hotly anticipated photoreal recreation of Disney’s The Lion King is ready to roar in theaters nationwide on July 19. Early reviews are...
Warner Bros. Animation and Elizabeth Banks’ Brownstone Productions are ready to rock with a new series starring Hanna-Barbera’s Stone Age cartoon sitcom, The Flintstones....
The denizens of Duckburg are hitting the road for San Diego next month! Disney Channel is planning a DuckTales panel for Comic-Con International featuring...
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